Regent Vs Loyang - Qualifying round, 20-4
Regent Vs Bedok South - Qualifying Round, 13-10
Regent Vs St Andrews - Qualifying Round, 10-5
Regent Vs Unity - Finals, 11-10 *with extra time
It was a tough match! Unity had improved so much! And to think we used to trash them all the time we see them, haha~ Too bad i couldn't play in the finals, Mr Low wanted an All-Out attack team and so i didn't fit the criteria haha~ The atmosphere was filled with anxiaty as the full time approached with both teams tie at 10-10~ With just 5 minutes of extra time, Justin scored the winning goal and that resulted in our win. Everyone were like jumping around and hugging each other like teletubbies, like we'd just won the world cup or something ahaha! Woke up at 6am and reached home at 9.30pm, after having a treat from Mr G, chicken wings and coke! And finally, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR G, YOUR PRESENT IS US GETTING 1ST, MAKES YOU PROUD DOESN'T IT!
You never leave my mind
Even if i have a million things to worry about~
Since you made a huge sign on your blog, i shall do the same for you haha!
So here it is: Happy 17th Birthday Piggy, hope your wish comes true and that you enjoy the movie that you're gonna watch! Hope you enjoyed your birthday cake today too ^^
Remember the time you used to hammer your birthday in my head because i always couldn't remember? Haha, seems so long ago!
Handball tournament will commence tomorrow! Will be playing against Loyang Secondary, followed by a few others on saturday, meaning that we will only be playing 1 match tomorrow~ Hopefully people will pass me the ball sometime
Hey world~ It is Thursday the 22nd, and its only 7 days away from our handball competition! 6 days away from that little pigs birthday~ Tomorrow, Shammel and i will officially meet the principle once again and convince her that even though the current status of the team, is indeed pretty bad, we will do our best! Mr G said that we have at least a 30% chance of pulling the whole team through! The new Angelina Jolie movie 'Salt' is coming out soon, and i've got a feeling that its gonna be awesome! Im a big fan of hers and im positive that this movie wont let us down! P.S. I really dislike combine humanities, ARGHHH!!!
Because only by listening
Can we truely gain a deeper understanding~
My D&T artifact is officially completed! Well, it was completed yesterday actually, however, i was too lazy to post about it haha! Strained my hamstring during the sprinting session of training today, couldn't even walk properly after that and it felt like it was gonna tear! Thankfully Mr Gab talked to Mr Hasyim and requested that he drove me back since he too lived in Bukit Batok~ I think its like the 1st time Mr Hasyim actually drove someone home on his car, haha! Talked about PoA stuff until his wife boarded the car, haha~ Pain okay!
My feelings aren't going anywhere
My heart is racing towards you so fast that it can't be caught
You know well that i fit you
Early September baby! ^^^^^^^Theres so many movies i want to watch!!Caught Knight and Day with Yvonne just now~ As i had suggested in my msn message, she approached me saying that she wanted to watch too, and thus we arranged a time and went together~ Arrived at CWP at 8, and went to get the tickets! The queue was really long and our queue wasn't even moving for like 5 minutes, so Yvonne decided to try the other queue to see which was faster~ The tickets cost $10.50 each, damn sunday pricings, haha! Had dinner and chatted just before the movie, and guess what! We were 5 minutes late, therefore missing the start of the movie, argh!! Overall, the movie was good, 4/5 stars for me! Haha, a lot of comedy~ Tom Cruise is so freakin cool in this movie! Ahaha, it lasted about 1hr 45mins, and we headed for home at about 10.45pm~Labels: The Afternoon Streets